Selfie - Beast Edition

It’s been busy days around here at the Terrell household.  Between work and a slew of side projects/tasks, we’ve been pressed for time lately.  Consequently, I’m way behind on post writing, although I do have a list of ideas sketched out that just need to be written and photographs worked on.  So here’s something to help wet the whistle in the meantime.

Ann and I (pretty much Ann) have been helping a colleague with a website and as part of that we agreed to do some custom photography.  Nothing too creative - think stock photography imagery for a land use attorney.  Still, it got us out photographing, which isn’t all bad except that we could have been printing or working on our personal images.  In any event, we were out and about taking advantage of a beautiful day to photograph.

While on our journey, Beast asked me why I haven’t taken a selfie of her in quite awhile (yes, I have conversations with Beast, . . .  well actually I have them with Jack, who talks to Beast and in turn conveys Beast’s responses back to me).  After a bit of persistent nagging, I relented.

And in case you were wondering, yes, Ann did ask me if I was nuts.  I thought THAT was pretty obvious given I have conversations with an inanimate lizard that helps me have conversations with my 4WD vehicle.  But if that wasn’t proof enough, yes I am crazy enough to take a photograph while I’m driving down the highway.  Hey, Beast asked me to!


Selfie - Getting Out of Trouble Edition


Juniper for a Day