Ann & Dan’s Excellent Adventures
Good Photo - Great Photo
Come over to the blog to find out my refinement of a famous Ansel Adams quote.
Printing the Image - The If At First You Don't Succeed . . . Edition
It was about time for us to do another print session given we hadn’t done one since before our trip home. Little did we realize a couple of weekends ago when we sat down to do a session, that it would take multiple sessions before we had our results. Join us to find out about our trials and tribulations with printing!
Our Not-Forgotten Painted Hills Trip
Better late than never! Come over to the blog site to check out photographs from our May trip to the Painted Hills!
New Neighbors
In my quest to play catch-up on blog posts, I’ve finally gotten around to writing about a discovery Ann and I had when we returned from our 2-month trip to the US. We have new neighbors!
Enter text to search only content in the blog posts. Try entering “Yellowstone”.